Openbox training and support

Openbox Software Training & Support Services

Welcome to Openbox. Because financial modellers are skilled professionals with complex needs, our software has a lot of powerful features and capabilities. Our goal is to ensure that you can use it to its maximum potential. That’s where our dedicated Training & Support Services come in.

Training Bundled with Openbox Licenses

Want to hit the ground running with Openbox? Our bundled package might be just what you need. This offer includes Openbox license(s) for you and your team, together with a comprehensive training program. This holistic approach ensures you have the know-how to get maximum value from Openbox from day 1.


<1500 per day includes free 1 month’s licence, discounts for larger groups??>

Standard Openbox Training Sessions

If you already have Openbox, and want to learn a new part of it, we offer short standard training sessions focused on key aspects of the software. These provide a collaborative learning atmosphere, where you can learn  Openbox alongside other users. The sessions are interactive, designed to answer your questions, and allow you to gain insights from a broader community of Openbox users.

We run these sessions according to demand. If there’s a particular aspect of Openbox you want to learn <contact us> and we can tell you if there’s a session running for that in the near future.


<500 per person per session. Maximum 6 people per session>


Customized Openbox Training

Understanding that your needs are unique, we offer personalized training services designed to meet the specific requirements of you and your team. Do you build models for portfolios of assets? Do you want to explore multi-currency models? Whatever your specific business needs, we can design a course to help you deliver them with Openbox.

This bespoke approach ensures that you’re learning exactly what you need, at your own pace, and in a manner that aligns with your business objectives. Our team will work closely with you to develop a tailored training plan that helps you master Openbox in a way that adds maximum value to your operations.

<Contact us to discuss your specific requirements>.